Different Careers In Education

It takes a certain kind of person to be a teacher. Yes, there are jokes that those who can’t do, teach, but those with a teacher’s mindset know that this isn’t the case at all. Those who teach do so because they care about the future of the planet. That may seem like a grand and exaggerated statement, but education truly is the future. We are nothing without the next generation, and the next generation is nothing without the knowledge that we can pass onto them. That’s how humanity keeps progressing and striving toward better things.

Education lies at the heart of all this. However, whether you’re a teacher or you’re a fresh-faced graduate facing the possibility of a career in education, you may be feeling a little disenfranchised with it all. Perhaps you thought that teaching was what mattered, but now you’re not so sure that it can make a difference. Still, this may not be a sign that you should give up on the world of education just yet. It’s still important that young minds and nurtured as they grow, and there are other ways to get involved with a career in the educational industry. If you’re wondering about the options that are available, here are just a few alternatives to becoming a teacher.

A counselor. Maybe you have a desire to not necessarily teach people on a traditionally academic level, but simply help the young people struggling schools. Counseling might be the career option which would best benefit your way of viewing the world, as it’s the most direct way to help students in terms of their mental health rather than their school studies. In a way, of course, you will be helping them with their studies by helping them to better understand their emotions and strive towards being a happier and more fulfilled young person.

Policy-maker. Perhaps you’ve always had a penchant for politics. Perhaps what pulled you towards being a teacher or originally considering a career in education was the fact that schooling is so important to our society and yet you feel that it’s undervalued by politicians who’ve already been through the institution and no longer seem to care too greatly about its maintenance or structure. Maybe you have such a desire to make an impact on education as a whole that you feel being a teacher isn’t enough.

The solution might be to get involved with education on a national scale either in terms of government or the big organizations which determined curriculum and other important factors of academia. You could look into different options to become a doctor of education and really climb up the career ladder. When it comes to making a stronger impact on schooling institutions as a whole through governments and the minefield of financing for education, pursuing a career in the policy involved with education could be the right calling for you. A career as a civil servant or within central government is not for everyone, and it certainly isn’t for the faint of heart, but a determined and passionate individual could really effect change there. Perhaps that’s you.

Careers guidance. We teach students so that they may go out into the big world one day and make something of themselves. Perhaps you’ve been a teacher before, and you felt disheartened by the lost students who didn’t know what they wanted to do with their lives. By starting a career in careers guidance, you could give young people the help they need to make it in the world with a job that makes them happy.

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